#sportsmedicinesurgery series
Both bone #forarm #radius #ulna #fracture #surgery
#FlexorCarpiRadialis (FCR) volar approach
Incise FCR sheath over #tendon in supination
Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
arises 5 cm proximal to wrist joint & ulnar to FCR
Retract FCR radially w/ #radialartery (esp. if want to do #carpaltunnelrelease ) or ulnarly
Incise dorsal FCR sheath. #Flexorpollicislongus (FPL) will be underneath - retract ulnarly w/median nerve
#pronatorquadratus (PQ) will be underneath
Incise radial +/- distal border of PQ leaving a cuff for later repair in supination
Proximal extension
+- release #pronatorteres off radius in pronation
Incise deep fascia between FPL and FCR
#flexordigitorumsuperficialis FDS will be underneath
#mediannerve underneath FDS